ProPower Probiotic Cassette & Porta Loo Wastewater Treatment
When nasty smells occur in your RV, you have two possibilities, either your cassette or Grey Wastewater Tank. Cassettes smell from raw waste and acrid ammonia from urine, ProPower Cassette / Portaloo consumes odour and prevents uric scale build-up within the system.
Whilst the grey tank may not contain raw sewage, it does collect bacteria-filled dishwater, food particles, body oils, and soap. This combination putrefies worse than raw sewage due to its inorganic content. ProPower will feast on the FOG’s (fats, oils and grease) and sludge, keeping your tank clean and trouble-free.
- Controls foul odours
- ProPower initiates the breakdown of solids in cassettes
- Digests sludge in Grey Tanks
- Prevents uric scale build up
- ProPower is a high concentrate offering great value
- Excellent for Bio / Septic Systems
- 500 ml